Wendy Lesser - The Threepenny Review
Join us as THE 222 presents an evening of stimulating literary conversation between award-winning The Threepenny Review founder and editor Wendy Lesser and our own Literary Arts programmer Laurie Glover. Serious readers regard The Review's tantalizing combination of memoir, criticism, fiction, poetry, and photography as the best in the country. Wonderfully definition-defying in its originality, The Review has earned its place as the country’s quintessential literary review of the arts. Part interview, part performance with readings, and with a question-and-answer period following, this event will have you falling in love with reading again!
"The Threepenny Review is as lively and original a literary magazine as exists in this country. Mercifully compact, uncompromisingly elegant, animated by the curiosity of its editor, it mixes the legendary and eminent with the unknown, which the eminent were when Wendy Lesser first published them. Not an issue goes by without some unexpected marvel."
—Louise Glück, poet and essayist, winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature
Lesser's works of nonfiction cover such wide-ranging topics as Shostakovich quartets and Scandinavian Noir mysteries. In 2017, Lesser's You Say to Brick: The Life of Louis Kahn won the Marfield Prize for Arts Writing and the PEN-USA Prize for Research Non-Fiction. She is the recipient of grants and fellowships from the American Academy in Berlin, the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Swedish Academy, and numerous other organizations.
Wendy Lesser’s blog: http://threepennyreview.com/lesserblog