What Moves You? - Spiritual Reflection & Communal Meal

Wednesday, August 14, 5:30PM

 Spiritual Reflection in THE 222’s Moss Sculpture Garden, with "potluck" dinner following.

(Bring a dish to share as able, but all are welcome to stay for dinner.)

What Moves You? is a contemplative experience of shared spiritual reflection upon a sacred text.

Join us the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. as leaders from different faith traditions within Sonoma County guide us based on the practice of Lectio Divina, or “Divine Reading.” We will hear a sacred text from the leader’s tradition in a contemplative manner, three times through. After each time, we will share responses and insights.

August 14 Presenter:

Kathryn Song - Oftentimes when we think of what moves us, we think in terms of something which touches us uniquely enough that we want to want to engage with it more deeply. Perhaps even to contemplate it. We seek out these opportunities to be mindfully present in an overstimulating world, where our minds and bodies selectively start to shut down, just to preserve our sanity and our stability. After a while, it’s easy to begin to feel as though we’re sleep-walking through our “one precious life.”

Sound healing can awaken and restructure these blocked energies so that we can feel enlivened and revitalized once again. Come and experience the gentle, stringed instrument called the Monolina, and be restored through relaxation so you can remember, through your bodies, what moves you.

Kathryn Song has lived in California, Sedona, and Kauai offering sound healing as a gentle and rapid approach to allowing your heart’s desires to have space to emerge within your physical being. She believes that by aligning the mental, physical and spiritual aspects, you will find your integrity and authenticity once again, and that this is where your greatest joys can emerge.

Programmed by Rev. Sally Hubbell